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Monday, November 5, 2012

"We don't worry about it until 36 weeks..."

Well, I had my 36 week appointment today and overall it was great. I should preface this by saying that yesterday was NOT such a great day. Baby boy was having another "lazy" day and throughout the afternoon I got more and more worried that something was wrong (How many times must I put myself through this, you might ask? Apparently, many times), and after drinking hot chocolate, followed by ice water, followed by laying on my side for a while with an ice pack on the baby (usually gets a good response), I finally told Phil I couldn't sit here and stare at my belly anymore. So, off to the hospital we went, as it was Sunday and I wanted an NST to assure me all was well. On a side note, I'm actually surprised this was only our 2nd hospital trip during this entire pregnancy (the first one was at 16 weeks during our UP trip, when we couldn't pick up a heartbeat on the doppler). Luckily, both appointments proved to be unnecessary, as both times he was perfectly fine (just being shy or lazy, as he is prone to do from time to time).
Pretty much as soon as they strapped me in for the NST yesterday, he started moving like crazy. It was embarrassing on some level (clearly, things were fine), and yet mostly I was just relieved and happy that he really was ok. And the NST was very reassuring too. He passed with flying colors! And the nurses were SO nice and so reassuring that it is always better safe than sorry with these things, which is my mentality as well.
So anyway, back to today. We had a bio-physical profile (I think that's what they're called?) ultrasound to check various aspects of the baby's well-being. Again, he did great, and that makes me feel SO thankful! He was practice breathing like he should be, moving around lots (I made sure to drink a big apple juice on my way to the office), and his heart, kidneys, etc all looked good too. My fluid levels still look great, which was also reassuring. The only problem was that once again we could NOT get a good shot of his sweet little face, as he had his feet and hands up in front of his face. Actually, he was playing with this feet using his hands, which is so stinkin' cute. I guess we'll just have to wait to see what he really looks like in another month.
Oh yeah! He also apparently has LOTS of hair, which I love. :) She showed it to us on the screen, and while it just looked like white fluff to me, I'll take her work for it that it's really hair on his head.

That's all the good news. The not-so-great news is that baby is in the Frank Breech position... STILL... where I swear he has been stuck since our 27 week ultrasound. I already knew this, as I can feel his head now and it's always in the same place. But right along, they just kept saying "We don't really worry about this until 36 weeks." Well, suddenly here we are! And now my Dr. flat out says he doesn't think it's likely he's going to flip the right way. He has various reasons for this belief, and I tend to agree with him, as baby has very stubbornly stayed head-up for so long now. What this means is that we're now talking very seriously about a c-section. He went through all of our other options, but I think we agree that I'm not willing to take any of the risks involved with trying to manually flip him OR trying to deliver him vaginally despite his backwards position. I just want him to get here safely, and if that means doing a c-section, I think I'll be ok with it. It's not my first choice, obviously, but I'm really trying to be ok with it... b/c honestly, what choice do I have?

And really, either way, this baby will be here in less than a month, and that is all that matters! And he could still flip, right? That's what I'm praying for, but if it doesn't happen, I just pray he gets here safe and healthy. Still, it's a bit weird to think about choosing a date to schedule the birth of my child. Just put it on the calendar. :)


  1. Nora flipped! I still ended with a c section, but as long as the baby gets here ts okay!

  2. K! How far along were you when she flipped? And I agree with you, that as long as he gets here, I'll be happy!

    Thinking of you so much during this 2 week wait... praying lots too!

  3. I had a c section too, and yes while not my first choice, the safety of my baby was more important. I know you feel the same. Praying that he'll still flip, but if not, it sounds like you are handling it well! xoxo
