When we left school last June, I was 14 weeks pregnant and still hiding it very well. Very few people knew I was even pregnant. So yeah, I get that me showing up now suddenly 26 weeks pregnant might be shocker to some of these people, but I guess I just never realized how much complete strangers would want to TALK about my pregnancy with me. And I wasn't prepared for that. I was probably asked if this was my first pregnancy a minimum of 10 times day, and that's a question I still don't know how to answer. I hate saying "yes" because it's a lie. I also hate it because I feel like it imparts a false sense of what this pregnancy means to me: I am not just your average pregnant girl who decided it was time to have a baby and then whoops, here it is in my belly. And I feel like when I answer with a simple "yes," that's the idea I give off. That probably has to do with the reactions I get, which all seem to be so excited and HAPPY for me... and I have a hard time mirroring those emotions in that moment where I am really thinking to myself, "No, this is my 3rd baby, but to the world, it's the first that really matters." And I hate that. I hate that I don't get to share my other 2 babies' lives with anyone, and that for all intents and purposes, it's like they never happened. It makes me sad. And yet, it's not something I can bring up with well-meaning strangers who only mean the very best in congratulating me on my "first" pregnancy. But it leaves me feeling conflicted.
Actually, I did give my occasional answer to one person today, which is to smile and say, "Well, it's our first pregnancy to get this far, so we are very excited." And I leave it that, just assuming they can figure the rest out. Ending it on a positive note (that we're really excited) gives the listener an out, so that they don't even have acknowledge the first part of my answer (that it's our first one to get this far) if they don't want to. And they usually don't. This coworker did kind of acknowledge it with something along the lines of "Oh, wow, well that's wonderful then." And then I quickly changed the subject to ask about her daughter who just born last April.
I feel bad because this is a woman happened to bring her newborn baby to the staff lunchroom last spring for her first visit on the same day I was convinced my then 8 weeks pregnant self was going to miscarry. I was a mess that day and was just biding my time until our first ultrasound that afternoon, which I had scheduled in a panic that morning since my nausea had all but disappeared... I was SURE it was over. So when she walked in with her fresh out of the oven darling daughter that day, I lost it. I don't think I was too obvious, but while everyone else was oohing and aaahing, I swiftly ran out of the room and barely made it to the hallway before bursting into tears. I couldn't believe the timing of it all... that on that day when I was sure my world was about to be crushed for the 3rd time, she would choose to bring in this beautiful specimen of the very thing I thought my body could not do.
Thankfully, of course, I was wrong that day and that 8 week ultrasound showed us a baby who was actually doing very well at 2 days ahead of schedule for growth. Oh how quickly I am able to convince myself of the worst. I did it at 8 weeks, and I can still do it at 26.
I truly hope she didn't notice my theatrics that day, but even if she did, maybe after today she'll understand why I acted the way I did...
And then, bless her heart, today she proceeded to tell me that if I wanted, she could bring me in a bunch of baby stuff that they didn't need anymore. This was their 2nd baby, and since they didn't know the gender before she was born, they had purchased a bunch of gender neutral stuff in case it was a boy (#1 was a girl). When they ended up with a 2nd daughter, she said they'd ended up just using all of the girl stuff they already had. So she basically offered me a lot of brand-new items (bedding, a bouncy chair, etc.) after what was pretty much our first conversation ever... after I ran out of the room crying when she brought her daughter to visit last year (and secretly I was probably incredibly bitter towards her at the time for having just succeeded in her second pregnancy). I feel like a schmuck. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.
Anyway, I truly hope it never sounds as if I am complaining about this pregnancy. Because I assure you, I am not. I have never been more thankful for anything in all my life. I write all of this simply in an attempt to try to express the awkwardness of trying to act like the "normal pregnant lady" we all know I will never be. I'm terrible at it, and I fear I come off as uncaring or apathetic towards this baby to people who don't really know me. I mean, it's just hard for me to muster the enthusiasm that seems to be expected of me at this point, because I still feel like a phony and a liar. And it's not that I'm NOT excited, because I definitely am, it's just that along with that excitement is the ever-present fear and cautiousness that comes courtesy of a history of loss and heartache. And you just can't explain all of that mess in the 10 seconds most people want to devote to their small-talk back to school conversations with you. So instead, I just did my best to put on a smile and pretend all is bright and merry in the land of my pregnancy... and really, that's how I wish it was anyway, so maybe pretending isn't that bad.
I feel like a broken record when I write about this stuff. Probably because I am.
On a much happier note, all of that awkwardness no longer mattered to me today as I sat there for all 7.5 hours of PD, because for ONCE this baby boy decided to get some exercise and was moving all over the place. I like to think he could sense my vulnerability after all of those false conversations, and so he decided to give me some extra reassurance that he's really in there, growing away just like he should be. I probably looked like a moron smiling at my belly all afternoon, but that sure beat staring at boring powerpoints instead. So that was definitely a highlight of the day.
And the other HUGE highlight, is that we finally found out today that my brother's friend has been approved to donate a kidney to him. This is miraculous news!! He really needs his transplant SOON, and UofM was taking ages (seriously, about 6 weeks) to make their final decision about his friend getting to donate or not. I am just so happy for him.
I know not many people read this blog, but please know that those of you that do (that I am aware of anyway) are in my prayers every single day on my walks. Even though God and I are in a weird, blurry place right now, I haven't stopped praying. And I don't think I ever will. I am praying for many babies in the coming year (a year for me starts with school in September :).
And finally, I want to leave with some recent pictures:
24 weeks (I had my hair cut this day and she curled my hair... I am never that put together on my own!) |
25 weeks |
26 weeks |
26 from the front (looks super creepy to me) |
Belly-blue... aka, my baby girl |
She lays like this and I find it slightly inappropriate. Still cute though. |
Candid shot of my love, from my usual angle while laying on the couch. :) |
The Mr. |
I feel you on all counts. I always struggle with what to say to people when they ask me about my '1st' pregnancy OR if they see me only occasionally and didn't know I lost the twins at all! Talk about awkward...
ReplyDeleteI also can't pretend well to be a normal pregnant person. It's just going to be worrisome. I have come to realize you can't do anything about it when you've lost what we have.
Hang in there. You are at a great stage and every week that goes by is one week closer to meeting your baby.
You look great! Sorry you are back to work...and all those awkward conversations. If only we could have our whole stories written on our foreheads for all to see! I feel the same way when people say "oh, Nora's 3, time for another"....I usually just brush it off, but I want to say, actually we've had four others...just none have made it. Ugh. So glad Nolan is making you reassured that he will be meeting you in a few short months!
ReplyDeleteYou look adorable, Em! I've been thinking about you like crazy this week as you head back into school...and of course you've been in my prayers as well. I'm sorry for all of the awkward conversation. I think you handled it quite well; I always want to tell the truth, but then I resent that I feel the need to share something so personal and private with someone who's basically a complete stranger. It's annoying, and so I end up being more guarded than I'd like, but I feel like it's necessary sometimes for my own sanity.
ReplyDeleteAnd K, I just had someone say the exact thing to me a few weeks back...not to mention that it was in front of a table of ladies from church! She was like, "You know, ______'s almost 2 and half...what are you waiting for??? How much space do you want between your kids anyway?" Seriously??? If only she knew. I just gave what I'm sure was a strained look and said something stupid like I was hoping it would happen soon. Ugh! So awful.
Anyway, that's my little vent. Em, I hope you enjoy your last long weekend of the summer and that the start of school goes smoothly for you. I'm glad that Nolan was giving you lots of precious movements today! So sweet!
PS - How is your mom? <3
You look beautiful and your Mr. is very handsome!
ReplyDeleteI love that response, "Well, it's our first pregnancy to get this far, so we are very excited." That is such a perfect response. I so agree with you about wanting to acknowledge the others yet not wanting to be all negative. I want to do something similar to let people know we had 3 without telling them what happened because I feel horrible to pretend like #3 never existed.
BTW, your kitty in the "inappropriate" pose? My girly kitty (I have a boy kitty too) does that all the time and I'm always telling her to close her legs, it's not very lady-like!
Meant to post this earlier, but I was SO happy to hear about some more bouncing around by baby! Hope it cotinues and that it brings you peace and joy.