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Monday, August 13, 2012

24 weeks (tomorrow)

 How far along? 24 weeks tomorrow (a big milestone in my book, since he now has a much higher chance of survival outside of the womb should he happen to come early... but please oh PLEASE don't let that happen!)
Total weight gain: I have no idea, but at my appointment last week I think I was up about 12-15 pounds total since the beginning (though I don't know exactly what I weighed then, so it's hard to know).

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I can't really handle maternity pants with that stupid nylon panel that goes up to my bra. How is that supposed to be comfortable? It feels like I'm wearing a girdle. SO I stick to mostly my pre-pregnancy flowy skirts with stretchy waists, and that suits me just fine. Not sure how I'll do with going back to work in 2 weeks when I'll suddenly be forced to dress in real-people professional attire again. Bummer. 

Stretch marks? Not yet, and fingers are crossed that it stays that way! What I DO have are lots of super-attractive veins and capillaries popping up everywhere, including on my stomach, chest, boobs, legs, etc. I knew this one was coming as my mom told my my grandma had HORRIBLE varicose veins as a result of pregnancy (though my mom herself was somehow not plagued by this particular hereditary curse). I kind of expected it though, since I already had some vein issues on my legs even BEFORE pregnancy happened. Really though, it's all worth it SO LONG AS HE COMES OUT HEALTHY.
Sleep? I still sleep like a champ, most of the time. However, my back-to-school anxiety is creeping in more and more lately, and I lay awake (lie awake?) sometimes fretting about stupid stuff that doesn't matter, like how in the world I will figure out how to make copies in my new building this fall. Yep, copies. I hope normal people don't lose sleep over this nonsense! Speaking of school, I AM really starting to dread the fact that 2 weeks from now I will no longer be sleeping in until I dang well feel like getting up: It will be back to my favorite 5:30 am wake-up time for the remaining time until this baby is born... at which point I'm told I'll never sleep in again anyway, so I might as well get used to it now... I really do plan to sleep as MUCH AS POSSIBLE over these next 2 weeks though, for that very reason.

Best moment this week? Every moment where I feel him move and kick is the best moment of my day. It's literally the only time I am able to relax for a minute and NOT worry that something might be wrong in there. I wish the kid didn't need to sleep so he could just move constantly!
Miss Anything? Nothing that I wouldn't gladly give up forever if it means having a healthy baby, but since the question is being asked (by myself? blogging is so weird), yes, there are a few things I miss: Running my heart out b/c it clears my mind of all that foggy stress I carry around; going out for a fancy beer (Dragon's Milk is THE most delicious beverage on the planet) with my husband; having a glass of red wine while making dinner (though that would also require me to make said dinner, so nevermind on that one); enjoying a cup (or 3 or 4) of coffee in the morning... I love the ritual!;  and finally, taking allergy meds when my face freaks out and my eyes and nose won't stop running (thanks to my sweet kitty who I refuse to stop cuddling). I miss all of these things, and yet like I said, I'd give them all up for good if that's what was needed to get this baby here in December!

Movement? Oh, the double-edged sword. Yes, he is moving quite a bit and like I already mentioned, when he DOES I am so happy and so comforted. However, then we have entire days (and sometimes 2) where I swear I don't feel him at ALL, and that is when my true panic mode sets in. It's amazing to me how quickly I can convince myself that something bad has happened, even when I've gone through this moving/not moving cycle more than once. Thankfully though, the doppler often saves the day... sometimes twice a day if I'm REALLY anxious. I really hate the days where he's so quiet! Freaks me right out. As far as the movements go though, he doesn't have any real patterns down yet. Sometimes he moves in the morning, sometimes at night, sometimes it's after I eat something and other times it's when I'm hungry. It's still the best though when he does it and Phil is around to feel him too.

Food cravings? Not so much lately, no. I do love chocolate milk and muffins still, but that's about it.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Can't seem to make myself eat chicken these days. It just really grosses me out, which is weird because it's generally the meat I eat the most. As for feeling queasy, I still feel pretty icky most days after breakfast and I have no idea why. I thought it was my vitamin, but when I tried taking it at night I still felt gross in the morning. It's NOTHING like it was the first 12 weeks, and I never throw up anymore or anything, it's more that I just don't feel well for a while and then I'm fine. This happens after dinner once in a while too (along with feeling EXTREMELY bloated and full, like I could literally explode).
Gender? Boy!
Labor Signs? No, and they better stay away for at least another 13 or 14 weeks at the very least!

Symptoms? Moody (watch out), bloated after eating, tired, hungry, and killer allergies (but only to my cat). I also get winded more easily when on my daily walks, and then when I sit down after walking my legs do this really bizarre muscle twitching thing for a while.

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but getting smaller (ie more stretched out). I'm wondering when these suckers generally start to pop out?

Wedding rings on or off?  On. No real swelling yet, except occasionally after taking a walk in the heat.

Happy or Moody most of the time? I hate to say it, but moody definitely outweighs happy. I still don't really know how to DO happy with pregnancy, though I'm really trying! I just worry too much to really feel truly happy or at peace. I wish I could change that. 

Looking forward to? Our 28 week ultrasound in a month to check on his ureter issue, which I pray daily will no longer BE an issue. I can't wait to see him again! Otherwise, I also look forward to autumn because I love the season (just not going back to school), and then obviously I MOST look forward to December 4th and finally meeting our miracle baby. :)

Here are some recent pictures, since I keep forgetting to upload them:

22 weeks
Beautiful day in Pentwater for my mom's birthday 8-8-2012

23 weeks at the B&B in Pentwater

23 weeks from the front (please ignore my ginormous moles!)


  1. You look awesome! Enjoy the last few weeks of Summer break! We start a week from today...

  2. Love the update and the pictures! <3

  3. Good update! Glad to hear things are moving along smoothly. I totally have a mole right there on my belly too!
